The towers are going up at fire stations and sheriff's stations, which is part of a new high-tech communications system to help first responders talk with one another. Fifty-one sites are currently under construction and eight have been completed. But some firefighters and residents say they are worried about radiation exposure and claim these projects were pushed through without any oversight because federal funding ends on September 1.
I'm going to protect my three babies under the age of three under my roof," one Rolling Hills resident said. Another resident was concerned about the cancerous effects the towers could have. The board agreed there are still too many unanswered questions and concerns and decided to stop construction for now at fire stations.
They criticized the planners. Supervisors approved a motion to stop construction at fire stations and study the issue further. They will also request the Department of Commerce to approve an extension to be able to get federal money in the future. Cc, Camar-illo, Phone: Find on map. Com, Atlan-ta, Phone: Find on map. Blake mci. Birkelbach wcom. Michael V Fennell, Carter Dr. Org, Los A-ngeles, Phone: Find on map. Com, San A-ntonio, Phone: Find on map. Net, Woodl-and Hills, Phone: Find on map.
Kellye Abernathy, Wellesley Avenue Lat: Molly Pauker, Mount Wilson Carla Greenhalgh, Wilshire Blvd. Carla Greenhalgh, S. Carla Greenhalgh, W.
Joni M Charles, W. Joni M Charles, Wilshire Blvd. Joni M Charles, S. La35xcj Lat: Com, Omaha, Phone: Find on map. Molly Pauker, S. Bundy Dr. Com, Miami, Phone: Find on map. Hilliard attws. Jatlow attws. Joni Charles, S. Cannady spectrasite. Com, Cary, Phone: Find on map. Surya Charles, S. Steve Lawson, Crenshaw Blvd, 55 Lat: Terrie Eaton, Strathern Street Lat: Terrie Eaton, Farmdale Avenue Lat: Sonya Dutton, West th Street Lat: Hoof verizonwireless. Sonya Dutton, Imperial Highway Lat: Sonya Dutton, Barrington Avenue Lat: Sonya Dutton, S.
Sonya Dutton, Bellanca Avenue Lat: Sonya Dutton, Whittier Blvd. Sonya Dutton, Van Nuys Blvd. Douglas I Brandon, Estrella Lat: Guard mci. Com, Conye-rs, Phone: Find on map. Nicole Gardner, Crenshaw Blvd, 55 Lat: But we do notice them. Among the handful of concealment specialists fabricating tree towers in the U. The pine tree tower was developed in Monument, Colo. Schmidt, general manager of Valmont Larson, a business of infrastructure services giant Valmont Industries.
The carrier reached out to Valmont and Larson, then separate companies. At Larson, which made its name building artificial landscapes for theme parks, aquariums and zoos, a now-deceased employee named Larry Hibler took the lead. The business has come a long way since then. In , Larson Co. The stealth towers themselves have made great strides too. The company can accommodate special requests from customers — typically third-party tower developers and carriers — whose projects must adapt to particularly unique landscapes.
The towers, built in , were situated in an area trafficked by golfers, and the client wanted a design that would completely hide the cellular equipment while also blending into the natural environment. And it was exactly what our customer wanted. So much so, Schmidt said, that people have been unnerved by noises emanating from the towers. In the quarter century since the passage of the Telecommunications Act of , which set rules for wireless infrastructure development, mobile communication has exploded — as has the need for systems that make it possible.
Neighboring Santa Ana mandates that all cellular communications facilities on private property be stealth in design. Across the country, towers are, in most cases, owned by telecommunications companies or third-party developers, among them American Tower Corp.
These companies pay for the construction of the structures and then rent space on them to cellular providers. The developers may own the land where their towers are sited or lease it from others, Adelstein said. You have to stand the test of weather. It is brutal. Schmidt said that Valmont Larson has developed special resins for simulated bark that can better withstand changing weather, helping the towers keep up appearances much longer.
Most of the birds favored one of the live palms — but a few roosted in a neighboring date palm tower created by Valmont Larson. But Walker found it ironic that the simulated palm has become so prevalent in L. Few pay them any mind. Those structures, however, are seldom camouflaged to look like something from the natural world.
In an era of conspiracy theories about 5G technology, Varnelis said that camouflaging transmission towers as trees may be a precautionary measure. Column One: The secret history of L. But technology is nothing to hide, argued McDonough, the L. But he thinks a sense of guilt has driven their creation. In the time it has taken you to read this far — perhaps on a mobile phone — about acres of forest have been lost worldwide, extrapolating deforestation data from a United Nations report.
As our forests disappear, the simulated trees are becoming more convincing — though some towers, by virtue of their placement, always seem more out of place than others. Faux pines set amid parched hillsides dusted with browning chaparral can feel jarringly incongruous, for example.
But his curiosity comes with some dread. While botanists may wring their hands, companies such as Valmont Larson continue to seek out technology that could make the tree towers more lifelike.