Search by item name, latin name, or catalog number. Home Richters Home Catalog Home. Commercial Wholesale GrowerZone Affiliates. Cust Service Customer Care Feedback. One thing is certain - you'll have this plant for a very long time. Order now - grow your own hardy Cold Hardy Tea plants and start enjoying truly superior tea! Choosing a location: Your tea plant will be happiest in a full to partial sun location.
If possible, try to put it in a spot that it will be protected from strong winds. Space multiple plants at least three feet apart from one another.
Tea plants enjoy a moist, well draining, acidic soil ph range of Planting directions in ground : 1 An acidic soil is best for the tea plant and using soil meant for rhododendrons will help maintain a happy tea plant.
Planting directions potted : 1 Select a pot with good drainage that is about twice the size of the root ball. Drainage is important as tea plants hate to have "wet feet. Carefully fill the soil in around the root system and be sure to leave the root crown where the root ball meets the trunk just above the soil surface.
Typically once every years or as needed the roots will outgrow the pot, so move up to a slightly larger container and be sure to trim the roots so they fit proportionately. Watering: Your tea plant will require at least one weekly watering mulch helps retain moisture so be sure to spread a good inch layer around the base. Keep an eye on the area during the hot season as you might need to move up to a dual watering weekly.
Try to avoid doing a "rain down" style of watering as this can promote fungal issues. For potted tea plants, wait until the top inches of the soil become dry before any additional watering. Only water enough to where you see it escaping the drainage holes and stop.
Do not allow the pot to sit in water. Broadcast the fertilizer around the base of the tree at least six inches from the base of the tree to avoid root burn and then water thoroughly. From spring to the fall season, use a liquid, acidic fertilizer every three weeks on your potted tea plant. For the best results, dilute the formula to half the strength of the recommended amount. Pruning: Once your tea plant gets to be around 5 feet tall, prune back the bush in the early spring season.
Always make your cuts at a 45 degree angle with sterilized clippers. Rubbing alcohol and boiling water are easy ways to sterilize your tool s. Cut back the top growth to about feet tall. Always remove any damaged, dead or crowded branches to maintain the shape and size of the plant.
All true tea is made from the tender leaves and buds of the species Camellia sinensis. Herbal beverages technically are not tea. The most popular camellia species likely to be grown in home landscapes are Camellia sasanqua and Camellia japonica.
Sasanquas are characterized by flowers that appear in early to late fall and have fewer petals than their Japonica relatives, and the shrubs grow a bit wider than the others. Japonicas can bloom in early, mid- or late season, depending on variety. They grow taller, and the flowers can consist of different types, classified as single, double, rose, peony and other shapes.
Colors include pure white, various pink hues, red, variegated multicolors and even hues of yellow. If you want to add a plant or two in your own garden, select a site with shade or filtered light, usually a northern or eastern exposure.
Dig a wide hole, just deep enough that the root ball sits 2 inches above the soil. After placing the plant, tamp down soil and water well. Even though camellias are drought tolerant, they need regular watering for the first year or two, keeping the soil moist but not wet.
Add an inch or so of mulch to protect the roots. While blooming, the plants are actually dormant and fertilizing at this time can cause the blossoms to drop.
Lee recommends cottonseed meal or an acid-based fertilizer, applied every 45 days. Dazzler Sasanqua: Large double, dark rosy-red flowers with golden yellow stamens are produced early in the season.
Quality, loose-leaf teas would be the basis for the drinks. No coffee-mate creamer powders or artificial fruit syrups.
And home-made or hand-made products as much as possible. The basis for the drinks was simple. Even our name, Camellia, plays tribute to the tea plant that classic tea comes from; Camellia sinensis. The R-D stands for road.